DITTO Im 81 my DR kept pestering me to take atorvastatin my Bp was 120/80 cholosterol 140 ,,,big mistake …. a week later I got the Hiccups and couldent stop 24hours a day 7days ,,i was going nuts ..I went hospital and they took $3000.00 worth of tests and couldent find anything .But one Dr suggested I see a Ear Nose Throat Specialist ..I got to see him 3 days later .He asked me ‘how long ago did it start ?.I said about a month ago .How long ago did you see your DR ? I said about the same time… He said stop taking that stuff immediately ..! In two days the hiccups were gone .Son of a bitch Im gonna kill that guy,,, weeks of misery …
a month later I was back in the first Dr office .He said I guess you wont go back on the Statin ! I thought you bastard…..all you can think of was pushing drugs…..will never trust him again…period.
7 years ago I was pestered by a different DR. into taking a Pneumonia Vaccine ,and two months later I got Pneumonia .I was so weak I lost 26 lbs .My daughter insisted I go to emergency room where they did thousands $ of tests cat scans etc .The emergency room DR took my Oxygen level..Its was 50 and he said you dont have any fever ..go home ! at that time I didnt know what a good OXYGEN level was ….I went back to hospital and was admitted .They couldent find what was wrong ,Finally they brought in a Pulmonoligist ,He said I think you got Pneumonia ,but It dont show on any xrays or tests .He gave me an IV and finally in 3 days I was out of there .The vaccine gave me what he called a “FOGGY” Pneumonia ..undetectable ,obviously mutated vaccine…Never again will I trust any Dr with Vaccines .and that bastard that sent me home with oxygen level of 50 should have been fired for mal practice.I now check my own OXYGEN level at home (its 99) ,I check my own blood pressure 120 to 130/80 .;… They tried to kill me 3 times in that Hospital….STAY away from them….and NO MORE vaccines …..My kidney DR told me yesterday I should take a FLU vaccine ..I said theres no chance in hell of that happening !