If ANY of the reports of fraud are verified by the courts then the election situation changes completely. Millions of Americans will lose faith in the process and the election itself would be invalidated. Even if the uncovered fraud is not proven to have effectively shifted the vote in favor of Biden, no conservative will accept Biden as president, and the Trump Administration will have a perfect rationale for refusing to concede the White House.
Many Americans do not seem to understand the dynamic at play here. They think “winning” the vote count means an automatic Biden presidency, but this is not actually the case. Trump is already in possession of the White House – If he will not leave because of possible election tampering, then who is going to remove him? Perhaps one of the alphabet agencies, but on whose orders or authority? The military won’t remove him as the majority of them are conservative, and certainly not the Democrats as they have no ability to project power. Trump stays in because the only people that could possibly pressure him to leave (conservatives) will probably not do so.
Another scenario could involve “activist” state electors. Voters within the electoral college do not necessarily have to vote according to the popular vote within their respective states. Some states have laws that bind electors, but many do not, including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Minnesota. The states that do have laws have little ability to enforce them, and activist electors can only be slapped with a misdemeanor. Basically, there is nothing anyone can do to stop the electoral college from voting for Trump instead of Biden.