People think diet means starving OMG is that all I get how will I survive! Diet just really means things you eat. When people go on these diets they are hungry until their stomach shrinks. People have to keep in mind that if people are very active or do harder labor like farmers and other physical fields including weight training they can get away with more calories and protein which I think usual recommendations is 28g without extra exercise.
My daughter in law when pregnant got what they call gestational diabetes being diabetic while pregnant. Being about half Anerican Indian more prone to it. They gave her a diet she adhered to then in frustration called me and said 8 grapes!!! All the fruit I can have is 8 grapes and my blood sugar still up!!. Well after awhile of that she threw that out went back to her regular diet but by then she was used to eating less and ate same foods as before which is pretty heathy anyways almost vegetarian so I concentrated on protein and iron her blood sugar returned to normal. She said the diet they put her on was higher in sugar than hers.