Today is Mrs Silverngold’s birthday so my time is short. However, at about the 11 minute mark, which is where I currently am, that fits EXACTLY with what I have come to believe is taking place when a person receives the Covid test. The way Celest says it, you (your DNA) are being barcoded; implanted with metalic particles that identify YOU forever more. That is the objective. Not to do the PCR test which is not even capable of determining whether you have a virus. BINGO! but that’s only the beginning IMO. This is all tied to 5G technology which is being installed in thousands of satellites being launched to blanket the earth. If people will just open their minds a little and begin to see what is happening right before their eyes in plain sight, they won’t need anybody to point these things out. Nothing is being hidden, it is just outside most peoples belief systems so they can’t “see” it.
So thanks again aufever for the video. I’ll have to continue it as I have time. Gotta get back to the birthday girl. I encourage others to watch the video as well and begin to come up to speed on the future “they” have laid out for you! All the Best from Silverngold!