“Time for me to make some serious decisions.”
I’ve been playing this since 2000. Yes it gets tiring trying to convince yourself that someday logic and true value and decent moral behavior will win over seemingly irrational market movers driven by greed and corruption and fear of being exposed and downright evilness.
I don’t know what to say. Even phys could be problematic with the surveillance state recording our every move and AI financial analysis watching every penny come and go looking for patterns.
The beautiful people launder billions and we are suspect for every twenty dollar bill.
To me the bottom line is don’t rely on paper profits as a significant source of future financial security. My Plan C is the hvac company I have going on the side. Also I hope to never have to rely on a fixed income until no other options exist.
That said we still have a large percentage of our wealth in the stock market because of mental inertia and 401k-plan-is-good mentality. I think keeping some portion in the paper scam market is ok just to look good (PC) but… At what point do you give up and say I can’t take it any more I’m just going to hunker down and try to keep what I have, cast off the risk of burning paper, and accept my position in the working class where the only income can come from work not rent.