Because I was on a liquid diet they were watching my nutrition and tolerance to the diet closely. Bloodwork revealed I was low on Iron (strange for a male) and they were giving me iron supplements. I’m still taking them at home. Hospital also revealed I was high in B-12 which was also strange. Hadn’t taken vitamins in a month with my gut issues, and I thought the B-vitamins were soluble and flushed out daily, so I don’t know where that came from. But the hospital was giving me probiotics daily as I was taking the antibiotics. They wanted to keep my gut ‘populated’.
After discharge my Primary care physician took another blood test to look into the B-12 levels. It came back better after I was out of the hospital and eating normal food again. I’m very aware of what I eat and how long it takes to ‘transit’. Plenty of fiber and daily probiotics and I can have bowel movements 2-3 times a day, so I have fast transit times… which are good.