Everything you said, is pretty much right. But in my view, the whole shiny new experimental system they created in 1913, had its way, with unbacked paper money, enabled or created a lot of great advancements WAY ahead of time that would normally come much later.
The unbacked paper money, also enabled or created a lot of wars and destructions of lives businesses, economies and massive acres of countries buildings and real estate destroyed that had to be rebuilt.
That “system” also grew to need more and more cheating and lying and manipulation to keep it going. Plus the Unit Of Account” allegedly the US Dollar, lost 95+ percent of purchasing power since 1913.
So, in my view, I’ve said this a million different ways, wore out, culminated, crashed (like the hollow trade center buildings re 9/11) and the whole Fed Res trip from 1913 went into reversal transition after 2008.
The Bit Coin is a result from the old dying system, and if the US Dollar goes into reverse, like everything else, and GAINS value, either manually or natural evolution, nobody on the planetĀ will want any other new fangled unneeded store of value BUT the shiny new US Dollar that’s backed by Gold.
How would that unfold? Is another story, and I’m going to lunch now, and then wash my 2001 GMC Jimmy, and maybe my 1989 Chevy “shorty” Van too, already has collector value.