That about summed it up although pieces like want for commodities like oil led to wars too. Now we see China slowly absorbing everyone’s commodities and heard they control over 70 percent of our antibiotics while buying up pertinent and strategic businesses and no ones concerned. Well Trump was but no one cared about that until they do and by then it might be too late. They won’t need a war at this pace they can just cut everyone off and that will be about it. If they manage for the majority to go all electric even better lol They’ll control and own all the components of electronics, medicine, intellectual property, defense, communication that is electronic. Now we have a president who has already been paid millions through his family to obtain these things.
I started noticing them when I was about to buy a copper stock that was based in Canada if I remember and that was in the early 2000s. I watching the chart and saw a likely target. All of a sudden news came out China was buying it and the stock few up but would be the last time. They bought it went private and delisted.
Then I noticed they were also in Australia and working on Africa and on and on. I’m thinking don’t these Governments take notice. These aren’t just independent companies it’s the CCP. If they suddenly did what places like Mexico or Argentina do and nationalize or even restrict them from polluting or using up other resources like their water for mining they will consider it a act of war. As far as I’m concerned it’s just another currently unarmed invasion like the border while in the process unarming us and our ally’s of our resources.