Wow I was just thinking about you. All this drama with what’s her name Megan. Just saw some things about it tonight.
I was wondering what people in the Uk thought about it. I knew this was going to happen and fear it won’t end well,
That is a long read on the radio. Well I appreciate it anyways.
One can hope it’s trying to find a bottom but what I saw today it looked like it had farther to go and even a down day on the USD didn’t stop it. Yet anyways. I’m trying to curb what appeared to turn into a addiction to watching charts but I guess that’s what you have to do or be out except if you have long term core positions. At least until something happens anyway.
This is my take on Megan and poor Archie I under estimated her alienating him from his rightful place in the world and the disrespect she has the burden will later fall on him.
I wonder how long that relationship will last. In a time they should be happy with their new baby she must make this all about her and already alienating her child from his family. The family she already knew what she was asked to be a part of but apparently not if she can’t have it all her way. I guess running from place to place living out of a suit case as actors do and suddenly have to be private and real person with a public responsibility and a roll model was too much for her. Was it skin color they were looking at or a question of true colors and if this will be a life time commitment or lie to get the guy?
Like the woman who pretends to love baseball because the guy plays baseball just to get the guy but once they get hitched he finds out she has no interest in baseball and in fact hates it and starts complaining about it because it takes attention away from her.
Looks like their instincts and concerns played out. It’s not the first time in ancient history.
Harry apparently isn’t a total victim either. He lived in the back ground of his older brother who appeared to get more attention than he did and perhaps the next in line after his father to the crown. Perhaps he felt like the red headed step child. Now he’s getting more serious attention than he did before in his clownish kid like younger days.,but not necessarily good attention that is self alienating. But I guess any attention is better than none. Sadly he could of got better attention and respect under better circumstances if he chose someone that was more up to the demands and commitment to the lifestyle that comes with it instead of saying they will for him but soon as they get hitched they find out they lied so have to find or make up a reason and blow it out of proportion and blame shift to as a excuse for their lie they never liked baseball in the first place.
Either they will break up or Harry will lead a miserable life. Either way there’s still little Archie to worry about,