OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Andy’s Prayer

Posted by Maya @ 4:12 on March 26, 2021  

My friend Andy wrote this for his blog.  He is unconventional… and deeply spiritual.


What a beautiful day!
My prayer for you the reader is:
Heavenly Father, Cosmic Mother and Wonderful Presence and Friend!
I come before you boldly as a son, asking that you give whomever is reading this Eyes to See, Ears to Hear a Mind of Compression,  a Heart full joy this day. Please let the people who read this  know and feel your presence working in their lives. Let them witness your Divine Synchronicity all around them.  Of those with good intentions and beautiful hearts that you do for them as you have done for me many times and resurrect them from their various issues and problems Remove from them all their difficulties that victory over them, may bare witness of Thy Love, Thy Strength,  Thy Power, Thy way of life!
Remove any barriers they may have and move beyond their current levels of  intuition and inspitiation,  kindness and generosity, love and compassion.
I also ask,
There is a great unsettling in this world and in the United States of America right  now, I petition you Heavenly Councel to move in a mighty and subtle ways to restore this world to a perfect serenity and abundance. May all who contend against humanities wellness, peace and positive growth fall by their wicked  works and suffer at the hands their own wicked schemes.  Still the toungs of the wicked and set their mouths on fire! An all consuming fire that will burn their whole lives. Confuse the minds of the wicked and evil men and women.  Protect and rescue the innocent children and let the captives go free. That any who would come against Thee fall on their face in shame! Let their plans be seen around the world for what they are. Fill their evil mouths with gravel and blood in the presence of all they have caused to suffer! Especially the innocent children!  May their all their Evil words become incoherent and Babble until they confess their crimes against humanity! That they may turn from their evil ways.
Raise up Rightouse Warriors of men and women who would not other wise rise up! As champions like those in the time of Legends, Valiant,  Bold and embued with Your Power, to be a voice for the rightouse and champions of Good! Send legions of Angles to destroy the wicked and protect the innocent and restore the United States as it was intended! One Nation Under God! Indivisible with liberty and justice for all!!!
Divine Order!

Here is two examples of Crimes against Humanity,
It blows me away. The citizens of the United States of America get a $1400 stimulus check and places like the Elite Golf course Big Horn in Palm Desert, Ca. Where people like Beyonce own 40 million dollar homes and Family Members of Pepsi have 25,000 square foot (30 million dollar home) summer homes, with Ferraris and Bentleys in the garage for driving around in only 2 weeks a year,  recive a Bail Out Check from Joe Biden for $10 Million Dollars. Then pass the bill off to pay future taxes to its citizens of over $15,000 per citizen in the United States of America in the form of Future Taxes.
There is something seriously wrong with this Nation and the scales of Justoce of our President and Congress handing out Checks to its citizens who voted them into office to serve them, spending their tax dollars to give a Elite golf course for the super rich $10,000,000 and only $1400 for the starving families. Then having the poor people pay for the Riches Elite Golf Course for manicured lawns.
The absurdity of such things is phenomenal! It makes me sick to my stomache!
It is now a crime to be a law abiding  white man in this country according to our Vice President who screamed  from the pulpet of reform and against police brutality on her Campaign trail now trying pass a  Law giving the same police she shamed,  the ability enter your house without a warrant if “probable cause” is decided by the police on site and take anything they want from your home, including you and place you in jail for probable cause.
The Hypocrisy is maddening! The stench of her words reaches the Highest Heaven.
Vice President Harris said, “The greatest danger to America now is an Armed White Man.”
Ms  Vice President. If it wasn’t for the  Armed White men of this here United States of America???? You would still be a slave! Because it was Law Abiding Armed White men who liberated this country from the Tyranny and excess taxation of The King of England! And it was Law Abiding Armed White Men who Fought and Died to free and liberated the Black Slaves of the South!
By your statement Ms Vice President you dishonor yourself and all those who fought and gave their life so you would have the opportunity to be free and hold office. Shame on you!!!! By your own words Ms Vice President!!  You are aying that those who gave their lives, blood and everything they owned,  so your ancestors could be free died for nothing!!
And now accoring to you we are the enemy??????! The greatest danger to the United States of America???? Have you lost your fucking mind Ms Vice President???
Not the pandemic. Not the drug cartels or the rampant fentanyl problems in our communities  Not poverty or the ever expanding homeless community full of destitute people.  Not the loss of millions of jobs and an unstable economy due to the world largest pandemic with new mutations being born every day. Not the thousands of people who lost their loves because of the pandemic that crippled our nation’s infrastructure and how everything that was surplus in our nation’s wherehouses is vastly reduced and food and other commodities are vastly becoming increasingly rare. Not the every growing divorce rate or the 30% increase in suicide rate in the United States and places in Japan. Not crop failures and global warming!  Not cancer or Aids or anything else.
That is not greatest danger the United States faces,  according to our Vice President!
White dudes are the greatest danger.
What the fuck???!! Are you crazy Madam Vice President??? You work for an Armed white man. The president is a white dude! Hello?????!!
This is the mindset of our Government Officials. They are not serving their citizens.  They are serving only themselves, the wealthy elite and their wallets and their agendas.  Because they swore an oath to uphold the constitution and serve the people of the United States of America. They ar in contempt against the People of the United States and Humanity as a whole.
God doesn’t see white people or Black people. yellow people or brown people. God sees people and judges them by their heart, actions and meritous acts! We the people of all Nations including White, Brown, yellow no matter the culture,  religion, sect, social or economic status!!!! Make up this Great Country!
To our Sitting President, his vice president,  cabinet and all the members of the House and Senate!!!! You swore an oath!!!! Not to protect just Rich and Wealrhy white people and make sure they have a nice lawn at their private golf resorts, or just to protect black people or yellow or brown. To segregate us and separate us by color again! After all we fought for???? And  to attempt to pass a law where we are not safe in our own homes!  At any given moment without notice the police can come in and take anything they want even us and put us in Jail if they decide to!
To give the wealthy elite millions of dollars for manicured lawns at a private golf resort for only the wealthy Elite! And measly little  check for $1400 if you are poor and lower middle class and then charge us all $15,000 in future taxes for our children to pay!!!!!
Is a disservice to your office, breaking your oath! A disservice to Humanity as a Whole and giving a Black Eye on the People of the United States of America in whome you were trusted to hold our best interests at heart!
And to criminalize White people who have done absolutely nothing wrong?!!!
All your doing is creating division and segregation, separating the people of the United States on every front!
The United States of America is to be a model  of Unity for the world. A place where  every citizen is afforded an equal opportunity no matter the difference.  It was meant to be a New World. Where its leaders were to be Trusted servants of its people! To create an environment of prosperity! Where the Spiirit of Unity and togetherness  would overcome our differences. THIS Country founded on the premise that we as a people would embrace our differences in culture and together be the Light of Liberty to  the World. A Shining example of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Liberty and Justice for All to the rest of Humanity!!!
The United States of America was designed for one purpose,
To be A Becon of Hope and Equality of  Humanity to the rest of world!
And all you are doing is discrediting that, separating us by our differences and destroying at every front,  that spirit of Unity, Brother ans Sisterhood,  the Light of the World.
You are in contempt against Humanity and the People you sworn to serve!
All you have done since your swore an oath in office , is the opposite of that oath!
And that my friends is Treason!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!  I know I will. Much love!

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.