Re Vet bills
U probably know this, but if not…Private Equity has discovred Vets and that fact that people will pay crazy numbers for their pets. They are buying out all the partnerships and then ramming prices thru the roof.
A while back I took a cat to a specialist vets, for a Scan…as I drove into the car park, parked in the corner was a top of the range Range Rover with blacked out windows and a number plate 1 VET…….Hmmmm I thought…since when did vets drive drug dealer wagons????
Since then it has become apparent that Private equity is wrecking the business….We are lucky to still have an old style partnership locally and just recently a nearby towns vet was bought out by P/E, last week my wife was there and said to the senior partner, u must be doing well…he said they had 150 new clients sign up in one day !!!!!! and this a rural area. no big towns etc !!!!!