We discussed this a few times in the past. After 2008, everything is changing. Bernie Madoff was the first example. Even after 9/11/01 I knew globalization peaked, the world would change, and the attack exposed only one of its defects, gleeful open borders. 9/11 pretty much cause 2008. A confirmation the old 1913 system was waning.
Just like Trump wanted to take America back, and N. Vietnam wanted S. Vietnam back, and the Taliban want to take Afghanistan back, there are many countries getting smart, and don’t want to be taken advantage by foreign nations anymore. Basically, mining businesses that are Canadian, or USA “got away with” mining in other countries, and they just have to pay more, which is better than outright nationalization, which might come 10 years later.
The Internet is another big thing that has fowled up TPTB. The backward people in backward countries are learning and have starting going forward.