Thanks Captain, and I agree, if not before for some. BC Healthcare Workers have been given a deadline of October 26th to get the Jab…NO JAB….NO JOB…. NO EXCEPTIONS! That’s pretty brutal language for an experimental Jab that does not protect you from anything but probably will cause your death at some close future date. What I began asking myself is why October 26th, which is just another Tuesday?” Why not, if they’re gonna make a big deal out of the date, make it on, say, Monday November 1st, which would make more sense?…..unless there is something significant about October 26th and they don’t dare allow anyone to be unjabbed after October 26th. But what could be the reason?
Yesterday evening I posted videos from the SGT Report which it appears again nobody listened to, but IMO there lies the answers to my above questions. It’s gonna be BC’s turn to get hit with the 5G radiation poisoning they are calling the Delta Variant when they switch it on, create more sickness/death, and then switch it back off here and there around the world. Anyway, enough said for now. If people are so blind and stupid to believe all this last 2 years of lies and bullshit I guess they deserve whatever they get. I’ve tried, but “none are so blind as those who will not see!” Still, I wish to everyone
All the Best From Silverngold