Animal Sprites came from “free make believe money” for building new towns, apartment buildings, bridges going to nowhere, millions of fake jobs . If their economy crashes, we can’t blame their drifting away from capitalism. At least they planned for a growing population while the fake money still gets things done ahead of normal time. LOL
I myself don’t believe capitalism even exists anywhere on the planet, with all countries using fake monopoly money. Call me crazy if you want. Organic real money unfettered business activity, capitalism is what the world had between 1492 and 1913.
After 1913 a hybrid economy, a waning gold backed currency, and a waning capitalism. Its very understanding for us to think the USA is a capitalist country. Because it was the last capitalist country on a socialist planet, that got absorbed by all the others.
Trust me, when TSHTF it WON’T be a collapse of capitalism. It will be a collapse of 100 years of nonsense. LOL. When TSHTF it will force a return to capitalism. Meanwhile, the “Credit Cards” and counterfeit money are still working.