Olympics bosses have just made it even easier for trans athletes to beat women
The decision by the International Olympic Committee to scrap rules on hormone levels for male-born trans women athletes is bad news for elite female sports stars. It creates a shameful mismatch that makes a mockery of fair play.
Always first on the podium for self-congratulation, the IOC continues its quest to be a transgender champion at the expense of elite women athletes with newly announced guidelines that will prove another bodyblow to females in sport.
Somehow, while trumpeting its credentials as a standard bearer of human rights, the IOC totally ignores the hard-fought battle waged by women over the last 100 years just to be treated as equals, and allows trans women – who were born as men – to compete against them. Now that mismatch has been made even easier.
Rules governing the level of testosterone in an athlete’s body have been relaxed, and are now deemed “medically unnecessary” by the IOC. Athletes born as male – and let’s be honest, that is who this is largely about – no longer have to artificially reduce their testosterone levels in the run-up to competition.