I’m sure they must know what we know. The system is terminal, it’s dying. They can rig all the various inflation hedges they want. Stocks Bonds Real Estate and Commodities and U.S. Dollar Futures etc, but eventually things that have to happen, happens. Failure unfolding.
Who knows what they are thinking and trying?? Are they Brake Tapping to slow the non gold “hedge” bubbles down? At the same time stimulating with fake climate change jobs and simple cash hand outs?
The best and most reliable inflation hedge over time we all know is Gold, that’s why so many banks and gov’ts have some. As the Keynesian ship Titanic (Stocks Bonds Real Estate) Ship sinks, the strongest swimmer is Gold.
Gold related assets can go down the with the damaged and sinking ship in sympathy, but will just rebound and go the opposite way, up to the surface in a NY minute.
P.S. At some point in time these riggers are going to WANT gold higher for a very good payout, from the “financial crash insurance” that gold is. I wonder how much “deductible” they on their future claims to bail out the system..