Your welcome, he is something else. He knows the PMs are being manipulated and should be higher but there will come a time they won’t care.
Interested in what data he’s watching but did point out a key indicators with the housing. Also that we could have counter deflationary moves along with inflation, printing to pay for it. A lot more too but you listened to it.
I do disagree about not prepping though and your kids to a extent. He doesn’t want to experience or does he not see now the shelves at many stores are bare?
Thanks for the Dr Kory, he was one of the first front line doctors although I was following a few others first like Dr Marik through Dr Mobeen who found the Ivermectin and Patterson too as Dr Kory was busy trying to get the info out to doctors to save people and going to congress back then. They were careful not to be seen as anti vax so they wouldn’t get taken off but now Dr Kory and other know they’re neither safe or effective. They’re keeping them busy that’s for sure.
There also outright lying and down playing about the adverse effects of the mandatory jab.