LOL, Im so jaded that when gold hits all time highs, I might finally believe its…on the move.
Portfolio had one of the best days in a long time. Three up days.. I know from a technical point of view that says lots. We can dream. It still seems so improbable. Im bracing for the next beat down. Since we all know gold should go down when…
- Excess printing of currency
- Reckless Governments, worldwide.
- All other commodities rising in price.
- Political hotspots all over the world.
- Strange policies regarding a certain virus.
- People getting fed (pun intended?) up with present state of affairs.
- Crazy real interest rates.
All old news to us bugs, maybe the markets will finally “do what they are supposed to” and real price discovery will rule the day.
Feel free to add to the list, I was just rambling about all the things that make me bang my head against the wall when gold doesnt move.
Patience, or as they say on Seinfeld; serenity now!
With luck this all is behind us and we are off to new highs in gold and the shares.