Btw you should really read the Armstrong article I posted. I think he has a way to get him charged with treason.
Trudeau is also talking about eliminating cash so the truckers can’t do cash withdrawals or get cash. Why every generation should know not to allow or vote for anyone eliminating cash.
NEVER before in history has there been such a justification to separate from Canada. Trudeau gets his orders from Schwab and the World Economic Forum. If he yields to the truckers, Schwab’s dream of dominating the world will start to come to an end. Trudeau is loyal to Schwab, not to his own people. While other nations are backing away from COVID restrictions and mandatory vaccines, Trudeau is trying to turn the screws even harder because this is not about COVID, it is about Schwab’s Agenda.
If Trudeau wants to show he is truly worthy of being the leader of Canada, produce the recording and transcript of all his telephone calls with Klaus Schwab. People would suddenly see who is really in charge of Canada and Trudeau is probably guilty of treason.