Local paper here showed a big story with graphs and figures how a CLIMBING percentage of voters stopped voting since 1975. I was one until ’92, I came out to vote for 3rd party Ross Perot. The other two parties did noting to keep the USA private neutral and prosperous. Ross KNEW there would be a sucking sound of jobs leaving to other places.
A recent letter writer asks people who didn’t vote to give a good reason why [“Voting is a right earned by sacrifice,” Nov. 7.
I haven’t participated in a national election since I voted for Ronald Reagan in 1984. He believed in abolishing nuclear weapons, abolishing communism, and abolishing communism’s great protégé, big government.
For whom would I vote today? The Republicans are the party of predatory corporations, low wages, profiteers, and exploiters who’d outsource everyone’s job overseas before dropping bombs on countries that never attacked us.
The Democrats are the party of parasitic government, high taxes, goldbricks, and leeches who’d give everyone’s job to immigrants here illegally before dropping bombs on countries that never attacked us. We have a moral obligation to abstain from this sham.
Voting is meaningless when the system itself is the problem. Would I consider voting in the future? Yes, if the leaders of China, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan or half a dozen other countries became eligible to run for office in America.
They, after all, have undertaken policies that have greatly increased their countries’ middle class, standard of living, literacy, health care, life expectancy, and commitment to science and technology. And while they believe in a strong military defense, they have not bombed or invaded anyone.
Paul Manton, Levittown
Unfortunately the writer does not know that the other countries got all the good things they got, thanks to the Fed Res and global big business control freaks. China et all did not wake up one morning and decide to be the worlds vendor. They were chosen.