All they’re doing is enriching China with their cheap products and solar panels for their electric agenda. It’s not really green when your mining something that doesn’t renew itself leaving bigger holes in the earth for something like oil that does. That is if they don’t tear up and deforest all real biodegradable green.
Meanwhile more and more countries are looking at blockchains and digital money outside these delusional self claimed superiority complexed self important jerks. They have no clue how to make EV anything or that it’s not renewable that think they can win a war by themselves until the lights go out anyways, to get away from them messing things up for everyone else as usual. They’re no different than someone breaking something in your car he’s supposed to be taking care of who’s not a mechanic then trying to tell you how to fix it.
Something happened to Peter Schiff and I wonder who’s behind it,
Something about they froze his bank account in Puerto Rico.
Of course the ones who argue for crypto are saying I told yah.