Net zero is not gonna do much of anything because most all the climate problems were having and getting quite serious is summed up in one word or kinda one word. Geo-engineering. There causing this to happen. SNG post on miscellaneous reminder me to check on the geo trackers extremely concerned. They have a patent to blow up the atmosphere which will destroy the ozone and everything will cook.
There destroying land , air, water, oceans, and forests.
I guess the UN came out with a story they since detracted after a backlash but the link still there.., titled, “ The Benefits of Hunger.”
That hungry people would be more productive than non hungry people. It’s harder to get non hungry people to do what you want.
Can you believe that!!’ Gotta crack that hunger whip on them to make them work harder and longer hours for the slave masters after they destroyed their businesses and jobs. If they’re referring to those who don’t want to work there just going to loot from those who do and hope these people are on the top of their list or “ menu.” But yet there okay for welfare states that attract all sorts of people from other other places illegally for the wrong reasons and will speed up depleting our resources.
Without water plants can’t take in their carbon, let out oxygen or water or even grow. Humans can contribute some but pales to what there doing that can be non recoverable for all life. It’s all another sham.