If everything we know about those places came from the Media, its a good idea to question it or research it for accuracy. I googled the IKN link and its Intelligence Knowledge Network. There are always special interests involved in everything printed. The whole world is gradually changing since 9/11/01.
“Anti Miner Minister” may really mean “Anti Foreign Miner Minister”. I mean do we like China owning mines and farms in the USA? Lots of countries have been tossing out foreign businesses. I think Iran was first tossing out the Shaw of Iran and his supporters.
If we disagree with this, it means we are citizens of the world and don’t honor or respect any border lines and entitled to mine natural resources anywhere we feel like on the planet. Nothing stays the same forever. I think they may as well move the Texas border 100 miles to the north and give it to Mexico. Then the English speaking Texans can form a separatist movement. LOL
“the US Army Intelligence Center of Excellence (USAICoE) knowledge management portal providing tools and resources for USAICoE. IKN supports the MI Community with reach-back support and tools that enable MI Professionals to organize, share, and exchange knowledge.”