Something big is going to happen?
From a person from R-ussia who has been on social media for a few years now way before the war broke out who wanted to visit America and Australia and few others places.
They wanted to see NY because of the old movies but don’t know what it has turned into.
He said they have a draft. He personally doesn’t want to fight in this war they don’t much understand. His friends don’t either.
He seemed very upset and like he wanted to get his family out.
They now are under martial law and said it’s turned into “ he didn’t know the word for “ a police state” but said the police have too much power. They can stop you and search you in your car for no reason or take you from your home. “ sounds like the deep stare here.” They have check points now from city to city. It happened suddenly.
He said and trying to quote his words ..”It’s not going to end soon it’s just preparing for something bigger. Very very big play going on right now and it’s play
very old and he feels we’re going to see the finish fine-ish finish result of this game soon. “ He worry’s about Ukrainians and R-ussians and mentions all the other countries including us too.
A family that wanted to learn English and did pretty well and travel the world.
That world came crashing down.
He probably doesn’t know what they’re planning or probably couldn’t mention it but now they have announced a sudden martial law they don’t know why but have a bad feeling something going to happen soon. I hope him being a new father of a toddler he doesn’t get in trouble.