Hi I don’t know if there is a gas shortage or not. What I was talking about an extremely low nat gas PRICE, and making a bet the price would go up the next day or soon. I think the problem I see is a very high price for storage and delivery of the stuff. Basically I’ve just been trying to find decent trends and ideas. And I pass them on to you guys. I hope none of you are onto something that makes money and you’re not sharing. Nothing is the same anymore.
Evidently it used to be a lot cheaper for storage and making long distance deliveries. And ya know? Thats right. Its not supposed to be artificially cheap. So “they can’t get away with that” anymore. Produce closer to where its needed makes sense. Airline tickets are too cheap also. Gold and Silver are too cheap. So we just have to relax and wait as things try to get back to normal. Correct prices.