Globalization, after 1970 and Americans importing and gleefully buying foreign made cars and TV sets and everything else was the absolute worst thing that ever happened for the entire USA and killed entry level living standards in the USA. They stopped raising minimum wage to keep up with inflation after 1970 also.
We are looking at the 1970 reset. 1970 Globalization RESET also led to wide open borders, and 9/11 attackers, led to financial crisis in 2008, nobody could afford down payments, they all stopped paying off loans, Bernie Madoff ruined millions of people, then COVID the other absolutely worst thing than everything else combined.
Then came crypto and FTX bozo ruining millions of investors. And now we have know nothing bozos on videos implying bad things are just getting started??? A new reset? If anything, the NEW reset is the USA can’t take the hosing anymore.
Trump was allowed on prime time TV campaigning and exposed practically everything including all the prior totally useless puppet presidents, Europe screwing us China (big retail businesses) screwing us actually the liquidation of America. We already cut off chips from China.
And a lot of old bad things don’t float anymore after Bernie Madoff. “They can’t get away with things they used to anymore”. 1975 was the time to be pessimistic. Not now. Sure things will get bad during this new “withdrawal” reset, But the “bottom” is no longer 50 years away. Imo the country is in a bowl shaped bottom formation. Or maybe a double bottom formation.
By the way, the Reset of all Resets was the Federal Reserve act of 1913. USA lost its 1776 independence. And we all know about the paper money financed wars and booms and busts that unfolded after 1913.
Supposedly 1913 was special interests created, so the USA can finance wars. And I consider 9/11 and 2008 as the peak and beginning of the end of the 1913 Fed Act. They can’t do it anymore. They are on the defensive.