Your getting too much time on your hands lol Don’t let all this info coming out divide us.
I’m just curious now after all you said if your going to turn off all your WiFi or move out of the city if you do get it or to prevent you from getting it lol
Adding unnecessary fear by these stories coming out is used not only for control but can affect your health in a negative way.
There pushing 5 G now here.
Btw as far as masks I’ll add to their fuel but in fact some masks have GO in them with argument it helps prevent getting a virus. Instead you inhale GO in your lungs that doesn’t go away in a few days. That’s not exactly taking the whole health in mind but switching one thing for another. Like oh cyanide cures colds,
As far as Maya he seems well versed on the subject and needs to stay in a positive mindset and concentrate on getting better. He did a good job getting rid of it.
If it were from 5 G, does the 5 G stop after you take Ivermectin and supplements ? I’m fighting off a cold or something right now so might sound rather silly but did you find cure for 5 G. Kidding
He was sick before he took the swab not after. Just like you were getting sick before you took the Ivermectin. The virus doesn’t live for along time outside the body even on q-tips. People like that are gas lighting people with BS. Oh it’s the swab that made them sick. That would make a really big law suit.
Many take the swab who are not sick and then don’t get sick.
My youngest daughter found away to stay in health care when mandates came out through a company that opted for bi- weekly tests. She had to test twice a week for a very long time.
I don’t trust them either though as far as results or contamination in mass production and aren’t always accurate but all they have. The symptoms tell the rest.
I can see it as Maya being responsible for preventing others from getting it as well as a aid if you have it in starting treatment.
I think he gave enough information which is voluntary anyways beyond not okay or okay and isn’t obligated to answer personal questions or drag others in it like his friend to satisfy others who don’t know them for their personal curiosity as that is crossing the line in privacy. It’s seem too your wanting to argue with someone who’s sick. There’s a saying in health care. The need to know. If your not caring for or monitoring that person or a relative then you don’t need to know what’s going on with that person especially on a public forum.
He did a great job battling the virus as it multiples by the billions fast and you immune system goes to battle. When it hit me mine told me to go to sleep. Pain not as bad as others I think and fever woke me up though but decided to let the fever ride other than fluids since it wasn’t too high to cook brain cells depending on your tolerance but not comfortable. He broke out of that pretty fast by sticking to that protocol through the worst of it,
As far as 5 G and beyond I think it won’t matter if you have any GO or not. I wonder to about other things like silver and other metals consumed in food.
I know your learning about it but remember Mayas story about the jackass. Maya and anyone here including you if you get it is more important that a story or theory or a argument over who’s right.
He gave the facts. You have to gauge that and the positive results vs what your reading and negative results that didn’t happen, death.
His symptoms suggest he might not of had the lighter omnicron virus that doesn’t present a fever et all and more like a bad cold but something a little worse.