and if they can defeat Russia then what ? Who is going to stop Zelenski mad man comedian jew Nazi from getting control of NATO ! Just because he can plan piano with his penis dosent make him a desirable leader..
Putin has been very stable and thoughtful in his response, dont expect the same from Zelenski .he is unpredictable ! He will try to break up Russia and sell its oil and assets to the highest bidder ,a very dangerous situation that could lead to a wide spread war into Europe,especially POLAND and ethnic Slavic peoples .They will fight to keep Ukraines Communist jews contained. NATO will break up from withen…..Europe willl disintegrate into war time nation states especially Italy ,Greece Spain….They have had enough of Central Control …nazi like domination ,it wont take much to set Europe ablaze in resentment …better a political accommodation with PUTIN than another crazy world domination wannabe like Zelenski…Hopefully BIDEN will be made impotent before he can do more damage with his corruption and sellout of American interests for his family cash bank accounts.