In my view that already happened, thats why everything is so screwed up. I told my friend years ago, many, that eventually they will have to just give people money. Well they gave out plenty even for businesses. They have no choice. They hit the point of no return on that runway. Its Throttle Up Huston. 🙂 Another way to look at it. A crook found a credit card, not reported lost, and its still working, so him and all his friends are having a ball with it. Sooner or later the next purchase will be “Denied.”
I knew by 1975 working in factories, the system was going to collapse in the future because of globalization, foreign competition for our producers, imports killing our jobs, exporting our wealth and wages lagging inflation. I’m glad I lived long enough to see this slow motion train wreak.
I just took a little shot with some Vegas money at ZIM 75 at 24.07