If the media worried about causes of death maybe they should look a drugs piling in from Mexico like Fentanyl the majority of drug deaths of 100 K a year.
From vaccines and cause of death. Maybe they can include them with med errors. From leaked virus’s cause of death
Suicide including by gun that spiked with their lock downs including children from leaked virus, and has been rising along with gun violence ever since.
Mob mentality and mental illness the left seem to cater to and influence.
they need to make it easier for law abiding citizens to conceal carry and not rely on police when they’re no time fir that without more fatalities.
Between armed security and more law abiding citizens armed many of these soft target mass shootings at Church’s Malls and Schools likely would of never happened.
Like the trans girl said she picked that school for lack of security over another one with too much security.