Dollar last game in town but current political anti capital suicidal gov is making a mockery of that, so in time. We have internal and moral breakdown of the constitution with demos on the left wanting votes and on the right wanting cheap labor and wall streets just a false front to the problems it’s created to society which once was the driving force of creating prosperity. The young aren’t as blind as they think and are very keen on information highways which Obama wants to try to stop by selecting who can have sites including alternative media which threatens their propaganda. This won’t stop the young, you see how fast they can communicate and organize. They may seem quiet they are but not to each other. Their giving the old dogs that can’t learn new tricks enough time to hang themselves. Their about fed up with them. Will they drive gold to a underground currency I don’t know but do know these young will be in a better place physically to live in a barter system than these old dogs in gov. And at some point will be sending them off to those old folks homes.
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