I don’t care too much what they’re doing but what this the people here what they’re doing,
Another stumbling block to the Fed besides the present congress perpetual spending foolishly is the Fiscal spending.
Lyn said it’s like one kid eating the other kids food It’s not going to solve the problem they should be looking at. Basically we have sources doing the same thing. That Fiscal should be addressed but it’s not, Then we have neocons wanting us in perpetual war which will also affect fiscal spending. Much of both going outside our economy. The SS even took millions on out and gave it to Ukraine to pay their social security and pension plan. I talked to someone from Ukraine and he said well it’s not that much compared to here. I don’t care how much it is! Zelensky can pay his own damn pension pans. How much money has he gotten from us and other country’s.?!!
He said Powell can’t do anything about the Fiscal and is not sensitive to the rates where he can slow lending with higher rates.
So the future doesn’t look good.
Besides gold I will be looking outside too, outside the dollar that one government can’t control. Like Bitcoin and their services.