Another part of the collection of the stupid people they put in charge is who gave the orders to the police to block the roads?
They should all be rounded up and sent to Gitmo.
Dumb demos giving their condolences to these losers like Paradise did that shouldn’t even associate to that collective madhouse. The electric company didn’t get out of the paradise fire because they had competent people around. Nor did they block roads or turn the water off on them. There would of been hell to pay. Also the electric guys here don’t block roads during fires or put up power lines in the middle of a fire either. They also don’t sprawl out lines on a active road and act like their live wires the cars don’t want to run over.. They don’t have power on when fixing the lines. It makes me wonder if they were even real electricians plus they waved back help.
Condolences to the people is one thing but to the ones who caused the deaths is like giving condolences to a mass murderer over the loss of his victims.
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