This whistle blower used to work for our government as a supposed guardian placing these children tells the horror story’s.
That they are handing kids over to strangers and not even doing DNA testing to check to see if these people paying to get these kids are a real relative. How they found out they were handing over thousands of kids to the wrong address admitted by their boss and their boss did nothing to track down and rescue these children.
How their handing over kids to be abused, pimped out, slave labor or even organ harvested. How some kids old enough to call for help are calling hotlines telling them they’re being abused, pimped out or slave labored and that’s the ones still alive not murdered or organ harvested. How one boy who was crying begged his transporter not to send him to this house because he doesn’t know this man as the man claimed he was a relative and knew him but this coworker handed him over anyway. That the media won’t do anything about it and these kids have no one to turn for help. Ones who hand them over possibly for money how could they do that to their own child. One he knew of by her brother was raped and murdered.
When my daughter was in LA I warned her to be careful and a taxi driver told her it’s worse than that. There kidnapping people for organ harvesting. That he knew a woman who was bending down to tie her shoe and just that quick someone grabbed her young son and ran off with him: They cut the boy open and stuffed his body with drugs and used him to traffic drugs across the border. Now they have to wake up any kid that’s supposedly sleeping to make sure they’re alive. I guess that’s how they found her son. Thanks to the Democratic satanic criminal enterprise of mass genocide at the tax payers expense.