Yes I think we will enter a multiyear bear market. There might be one more high before or perhaps a failed high that may have already happened. The 1929 crash from an EW perspective has always been controversial. It might be this high will be equally confusing.
I have been buying small starter positions in different miners. I had to sell some as my loss threshold was hit. Some of those I have rebought. I plan if this rally continues to use some benchmark to weed out weaker ideas and add to stronger ideas.
If the rally does not continue I will sell some but retain a core and perhaps just decide to take the ride or perhaps finally retire.
Fortunately on the government notes I did shorter duration 1 to 2 years and recently even 6 month. My investment thesis that rates could not go much over 4% because of interest on the government debt and the stock market appears to be wrong. By early next year most will have matured.
We did buy a lot of Ibonds with the 10% beginning yield and now even 5% compounded on those works well. There were several legal avenues to exceed the 10k per year limit which we used.