Yep and the next for the right and those waking up and other enemies they made to turn the tables on them.
Simon mentioned that in that video and also why the world needs a neutral currency like Bitcoin and Gold and if the market shuts down and ability to withdraw it includes physical gold as a hedge or things they cannot directly control with social credit scores or confiscation like they did Russia and to be prepared.
Until Simon on that post on Bitcoin but not just that but all targeted currency’s who sees both sides of the coin did anyone know that the pressure against country’s to fund Ukraine in a war they’ll never win is planning to give the money they confiscated from Russia to Ukraine? Censored? What global reaction will that cause or the backlash to the dollar?
Then what’s going on in the Mid East and the Bric’s and how that will effect the dollars decreasing value or currency in general when not only Russia who will not take their NWO games that globally including us don’t want laying down but nor will other countries.
- I have to review it again because it’s a lot of information but the censorship will fail. Perhaps not the internal conflicts bad players will continue to try to distract or hide while parroting the word misinformation under the cover of misinformation besides the originals who saw it, that more and more people who would not could not or brainwashed will be waking up when it affects them start to see right through their form of parroting denial with the word misinformation to mal-information with threats with no truthful facts like the truth vs imagination. The Censor has no cloths withholding it from them and threats to silence anyone that will include controlling the media as they are but the battle is on.