Exactly! People been on the side lines trying to stay with in the law expecting them to implement the law while they’re actively breaking the law and openly disrespecting the whole country. Instead are just a bunch of desperate traitors, political losers and cowards openly breaking the law. That they would destroy this country to save themselves to stay in power and on easy street and think the disrespect, or effect to the whole country or the laws set forth doesn’t apply to them.
They are everything they accuse and falsely others. They also call conservative blacks, working class blacks Uncle Tom’s, unless a high paying job or put there without merit as token, when in fact being on the government dole or different two tier treatments than the rest of the slaves black or white or brown is a uncle Tom. Everything is backwards. Alice in wonderland.S
She’s clarifying to a extent who’s who by saying she’s a free black woman. Now where’s the free white and brown men and women? Waiting for the black man or woman? Five fingers is stronger that one.
March, that video by Pento gives a clearer picture of what’s going on and watch out for.