OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 17:00 on February 24, 2024  

It’s terrible what they done to people and there doesn’t seem to be any accountability in this sector. Banks may pay a few million but likely they made millions more. Pharma Manufacturing does the same. They know a drug can kill you in some way but made so much any fine would be worth it.

Hopefully you’ll get it out of your system, learn from it as far as their credibility and foremost don’t go back.

Just try to focus on not giving them anymore of your money to lose when it could be better spent as in paying off some debt, emergency savings or invested somewhere else. It’s like they’ll just close down shop move on and start up a new scam for fresh meat.
That’s what gamblers do especially if their social network are also gamblers influencing another. They lost money so they hung around losing more money these scammers bet on them doing just that.

These scammers focus on one thing themselves, trying to sell you something. These fake financial adviser don’t manage anything, don’t care about your bills or debts and how to lower them, assets you’ll need, short term plans that build on longer term plans , the good deal on a house with low fixed interest, or a down payment, retirement income , your life or your family. They’re just there to sell you something get your money on commosion.abd worse if they only focus on one thing and not mindful of the economy, or political influence.
That’s also what attracted people to the PMs in the first place, not trusting, but not meant for trading the other plans on speculation that result in some with ego trips not realizing that there are other ways people can make money or hedges and accumulate assets. To just by gold stocks instead and wait for your lotto number to come up. Never sell them because they lost you money but wait so they can lose you more money while they hold you hostage and back on better investments.

In many ways our generation was better off than what the young are being influenced in today other than maybe getting more help from their parents out of necessity as things are no longer the same. Maybe financially responsible generational past to a point but financially illiterate esp in today’s terms and now dumped on the next generation by not taking action on what the government was doing when we were still the majority.
They didn’t have the Internet or access to better advice but also didn’t have access to scams and bad advice either.
Now partially responsible politically and financially for what was dumped on the younger generation today and now just plain bad advice or unrealistic as opportunities contract with moronic woke and legalizing crime and cost of living inflated, especially in today’s economy compared to their time.
Now a government runs amock and backwards.
One of the stupidest things I hear usually from old men was in their day they could just leave home and go out and get a job with no experience and no degree and make it to the young kids today. No mentioning the stupid choices theysde along the way and learned by hard knocks in the process of things were more affordable then. How many of those jobs are still around anymore on top of it and still hiring Americans or for wages enough in today’s terms to afford a apt or a used car.. 300- 500 today might get you a buy for parts car. New cars today average almost 50 thousand. You could get a house for less than that in some places back then. Financially illiterate thinking.
Unlike the generation who lived as an adult through the two wars and a depression, and no jobs or way underpaid jobs was hard like it’s becoming today.
It’s like they’re bragging about having it easier than they will in which they were partly responsible but saying too bad for you even though their cluelessness was a big part of it.
Even if you choose not to sell them less it will give you a needed tax write off on better choices don’t let it hold your spirit hostage or question your common sense and don’t help them by giving them good money and trade it for their junk anymore because they will just do it again. Imo
If you do buy any PMs with things to come possibly you can try to have other investments much greater. I don’t go long and sell it in sections and try not to get caught in the momentum and buy back during a run because it can be a mistake or and keep a stop loss and don’t deviate from it thinking it’s gonna go back up.

There was a cruel study on the rats once.
I learned this lesson young to assume that no one’s gonna be there or maybe make it worse if you really need them so you better know how to save yourself.
But these domesticated captive rats kinda explain how these con artists in PMs and the Gov work.
They first put them in a glass of water they couldn’t escape from and paddled in panic in one place for a few minutes, realized they were trapped and can’t get out and gave up. They were rescued like the stocks suddenly gaining momentum. Then the next day or so they were put back in the cup of water again. This time they lasted hours. Why because they believed these people who put them there were going to do the right thing and were going to be rescued.
I guess we can be blessed we weren’t woked or turned into a pronoun.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.