Do mid easterners have hand signs,
I was at a restaurant with a friend. We were talking about current events and we both know a certain amount of ASl ” sign language ” We were talking about different religions at the time partly talking in sign although we’re not hard of hearing and peripheral vision I saw hand movements at a table behind us and looked over at this guy a mid eastern illegal or not I don’t know he was looking straight at me was making all these hand signals kinda coping me but all scrambled not sign language. I didn’t engage and told my friend after we left cuz her husband was military. She said you should of told me she would of turned around and asked him what he’s doing. Lol Yeah that’s what I was afraid of and despite her being a black belt trained by grand teachers since a child I figured this guy was either 51/ 50 or but her nature like me has tendencies to get into conversations with themĀ there’s some hand signals they use over there. And best we didn’t know.