OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

ipso 21:19, yes, but:

Posted by ferrett @ 21:57 on August 5, 2024  

I think Kunstler’s article is very good – I’ve printed it out for future reference. And that includes his comment that this isn’t like 2008. But 2008 wasn’t like 2001. 2001 wasn’t like 1998 – remember 1998, and LTCM? Greenspasm said that if selected banks hadn’t injected $3.5bn to rescue LTCM then the global economy would have collapsed. Even in 1998 $3.5bn (yes, billion) was an utterly insignificant amount of money, but it allowed the transfer of wealth to those banks. The lies were no smaller then than they are now. Each time they find a different way out of the collapse. Each time sees the redistribution of wealth upward. The republicrat party always survives the scandals. The sheeple become dumber and dumber, the intellectuals more idiotic, everyone more accepting as to what is placed in front of them. The easy way is the one always taken. Definitions are changed to suit the times. Words mean whatever people want them to mean. If you are against the jews you are anti-semitic. Whoever says that is an idiot. Semites are a language group, not a race or a nationality. It includes people who speak hebrew, arabic, maltese, amharic etc. Just because a german idiot tried to make a name for himself 150 years ago with the phrase doesn’t mean the sheeple have to do the same. As a start for getting back to sanity let’s commence by using the right words. Anti-Israeli, or maybe anti-zionist. Herd immunity can be obtained from exposure to the disease. Capitalism is an economic system based upon capital, and we have never had a capitalist society in recorded history, any so-called capitalist economy is based on debt, often called ‘loan capital’ to make it sound right. We live in a debtist economy, and that’s where all the problems stem from.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.