OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Platinum and palladium

Posted by redneckokie1 @ 22:50 on August 27, 2024  

Been absent for a long while and lurking. Had a few health scares and auto immune episodes. Email is down and locked. Maybe get it fixed tomorrow.

Platinum and palladium took a dive when electric cars and Covid reduced the demand for conventional trucks and cars. Both have appeared to have bottomed indicating a possible Trump win.

one thing to keep in mind, recessions generally start when the inverted yield curve goes back to normal. The longer the yield curve is inverted, the recession is generally deeper and longer. The yield curve has been inverted over 600 days which indicates a long, deep recession.

As bad as I hate to say it, Trump may clear the economic underbrush with an economic forest fire. That may explain the phiz/stock debacle. Nobody wants paper of any kind when the fan gets really dirty in the midst of the big fire.

Keep on stacking.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.