A wonderful and sad story at the same time. I’m 20 years younger than you and SNG, and things had started to change in the 60’s and 70’s in California. I did go to school in AZ. for a short time in the 6th grade and things were stricter. They used paddles for discipline, but the school assembled for the national Anthem before school and said the Pledge of Allegiance in class. Even CA. was still wonderful compared to today We still learned reading writing and arithmetic, had PE, and after-school programs that went until near dark. We had Driver’s Ed in H.S. By the time my kids went to school, the after-school programs and Driver’s Ed. were a thing of the past because of a lack of funding. Parents had to pay for their kids to play team sports or cheer lead in H.S., they were in a state of constant fundraising. PE was no longer daily.
A lack of funding, imagine that. The teacher’s union now has over $200 billion in their coffers, yet schools can’t afford anything. The after-school program was a big deal because kids who had parents who both worked had a place to go and stay out of trouble. They graduate kids that aren’t proficient in reading and math but are sure to make sure they are taught about gender and transgender.
My sister-in-law in CA. was a first grade teacher, her pension is 100k a year now that she’s retired. Any wonder why they are broke? Fireman regularly with pensions of $2-$300k a year. Police close to the same. All of them with the best healthcare plans. Most are just a permanent voting block.
Our country has become a cesspool and a disgrace. These folks are going to be awful upset when the dollar collapses.