Thanks for your thoughts. If you ever have that problem in your family tell them to ask to see a infectious disease doctor so they can zero in on it. They can work together. I had to safe a finger of mine once myself but after he saw the X-rays after the doctor said it was okay he took me away from them all together and gave me three months off with IVs.
Yes wound care training is a field in itself. I got kind of pushed into it because they thought I had the gift and good results and mentioned how gentile I was with the patients when doing wound care. They told me the average time span of a wound nurse was 5 yrs. I ask them why talking to a bunch of consults some of which would be mentors they said it’s hard on their backs. One doctor told me I was probably one of the best wound nurses in the state maybe the whole United States. I was just a learned collection of all the doctors and consultants I think. But now I can’t help my own daughter too much although did get infections disease and cultures involved except they didn’t do the flap. They could realize that good wound care is important. If you have good surgeons and the work the first one did to save the function in her hands plus her shattered leg minus who ever handled and gave him contaminated hardware that if your going to create a masterpiece you don’t want someone coming along to mess it up and could be anyone in the hospital and why you need wound nurses to recognize things as smallest detail every cell they see. She wasn’t getting that let alone should of been everyday.