re part:
“However, if immigration to the United States were halted, its working-age population in 2050 would be about 1 percent smaller than it is today.”
The gov’t media (big business) makes a shortage of labor sound bad. Agreed, bad for THEM, but very good for the workers. Less workers makes them worth more, and they are affordable ONLY for the best run most lucrative businesses with higher profits.
There must have been a big shortage of labor when my grand parents came here after 1908. My grandfather had 8 kids, wife did not work, and he was unskilled labor. How much salary would be needed THESE days for 8 kids? $200,000/yr?
The more money they get paid, the more people per person they can support. Less welfare food stamps etc. Businesses that pay chump change end up being partially supported with our taxpayer dollars for Medicaid and food stamps.
In other words, corporate welfare for various businesses.