ISM Manufacturing & Construction Spending Collapse To 6-Month Lows Tyler Durden’s picture Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/02/2015 10:09 -0500 . in Share . . Not decoupling-er. Completing this morning’s triple whammy of ugliness, US construction spending in December dropped 0.3% (against expectations of a 0.4% rise) – the biggest monthly drop since June. On the back of a crash in new orders from 66.0 to 57.3 (and prices paid plunging to 30 month lows), ISM Manufacturing also tumbled from 58.7 to 55.5 – its lowest since June (missing expectations by the most since January). Unable to find a silver lining, ISM’s Holcomb proclaimed “comments are a ‘bit mixed'”.
Watching the VIX as the SM slowly rolls over and treasury yields fall.