When’s the last time you walked into a place of business and saw a Russian flag door mat to wipe your feet? You know they love us in the USA. Bitter hatred? Too much vodka? It’d be much more at easier to understand if it we’re Obozo’s face, heck I’d probably buy one for my house then.
you talk to a Russian about the international political situation, sooner or later you will be informed that there is a country in North America that you’ve never heard of. Its name is ‘Pindosia,’ ‘Pindostan’ or, more officially, ‘United States of Pindostan,’ and you will be told that one part of it, called Alaska, used to belong to Russia. Part of the word—‘stan’—stands for underdeveloped state, as in ‘ Pakistan,’ ‘Kazakhstan,’ or ‘Uzbekistan.’ The citizens of this country in plural form are called ‘pindoses,’ in singular—‘pindos.’ Read more