Once you realize that you are living in a glorified Third World country, ruled by an Idi Amin kind of madman (actually Kenyan born), operating a global reach Pol Pot kind of killing fields regime, and who is told what to do by your Zionist Wall Street banksters, as well as all black ops being organized and funded by your drug running Langley gang, then you will quickly find out, all by yourself, what fascism is really all about, and that you beautiful country is royally screwed beyond repair. Forgive me for having overlooked mention of some aspects. I am sure you are able to fill the void. Be safe, have faith, buy physical precious metal if you choose not to be a victim of their colossal game. If push comes to shove, you only have two friends you can rely on. Their names are Smith & Wesson (357 Magnum) and Mossberg (pump action shot gun).” ~ Mr Reality Bites (from overseas contact with numerous connection, a clear view of the world, and very little tolerance for ongoing abuses, expressed with an edge)
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