I am not here to poop on the party
Just to point out that the premis for the resurrecting of Goldtent at this Oasis
as stated in the email that was sent to all present and former posters is PURE Bunk
It has nothing to do with Tentathons and Secrets and Petty cash
The Bottom line is Goldtent was originally Full of life and energy
A lot of people put their heart and soul into the place and its heyday corresponded with
Precious Metals Heyday..we all got along and everybody was on the same page
Now that PM Investors have suffered from a brutal 3 year bear market the place became a ghost of
its former self..It died from natural causes (Disinterest)
I personally take much responsibility for that as my time has been consumed at the Rambus Forum
I believe the same can be said for Audept
The sidebar at Paradise is full of gems accumulated from many years …they are still there
The only one that has been migrated here is the Locator
This was my pet project as I found it fascinating to see where everybody was from .
Its yours now…you make keep it of course…probably needs some updating
I truly am happy to see the gang is all here
I salute the Admins for doing this
It is a breath of fresh air
Now all we need is a rip roaring PM Bull to get things really hoping !
Now that I have absolutely NO responsibilities here I plan to be a more frequent visitor
Oh for the good old days
Those were the days my friend we thought they d never end we d sing and dance for ever and a day
we lived the life we d choose
we d fight and never lose
Those were the days !!