Uup isn’t the only one plus stocks that go up with dollar. As far as Hondas or other cars that’s amost fruitless anymore since even if you buy a American car your still buying all the parts from other places. It would be nice if they would open more factories here and Obummer failed GM employees but not surprising for a pushover gov. we have now. I’m surprises they don’t have cartoons in other countries that have their leaders and employees laughing while their on the podium saying we got your back America maybe with a bunch of Americans with casts on them from out sources jobs. Think it’s more of a balance of trade that isn’t happening. Then we havd Unions that’s okay if realistic as we have workers out there underpaid with training involves or labor while car unions want 35 hr to put a part on a car in a assembly line when they can get it done elsewhere for a more realistic price. Not saying just less in comparison but realistic.
The dollar going up probably won’t help if they can pay them even less after they convert those dollars. A service environment is NOT acceptable nor a Answer to the problem it’s a lazy again pushover way to say that’s the way it is instead of doing something about it.