Sources in Moscow confirmed the information about the death of the chief guardian of Russian President Vladimir Putin General Viktor Zolotov.
Reported journalist Alex Mochanov, news reports “Press Ukraine”. “For information about the death of the chief guard guarded main contact person my sources in Moscow confirmed” – TV presenter notes. As you know, the last few days of the communication chief of Interior Ministry troops of Colonel-General Viktor Zolotov was absent. In this regard, the rumors of his death. According to some information soon on the Board of the FSB, Russian President Vladimir Putin had to appoint General Viktor Zolotov head of the FSB. However, this did not happen because Russian President did not attend the board. Recall Colonel-General Viktor Zolotov from 2000 to 2013 worked as head of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation. And in 2014 became the first Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs – chief of the troops of the Russian Interior Ministry.